55th Reunion – June, 2022

Class of ’67 Celebrates 55th Reunion at Williams

If you weren’t able to come to Reunion, you were missed.  If you were there, we write to celebrate and recap our wonderful time together.  We had over 55 classmates and 35 partners/spouses show up at one point or another during the four-day event – it was the largest 55th attendance in the records for the past ten years!  We were headquartered at Dodd House, the former Williams Inn.

Here are some highlights:

As the 55th Reunion is much more low-key than the 50th, there were fewer class events, which in turn left us plenty of extra time to visit with one another, attend all-college presentations, and explore the campus.  After a Thursday night dinner together, we met on Friday morning for a session on “The Choices We Made,” about dealing with post-Williams options as influenced by the draft in the spring of 1967 as we prepared to leave Williams.  George Lee, Warren Suss, and Chris White spoke with humor and honesty about the paths they chose after graduation and how those paths led to additional and often unexpected paths. Moderator Larry Ricketts told his story as well, and other class members added their stories to the mix in the Q and A.  We are such an interesting and varied group!

Friday afternoon, many of us went to hear Williams President Maud Mandel speak to alums at the theater.  It was a lively and informative presentation, about navigating Williams through the pandemic, and dealing with strategic plan issues for the future.  Rick Ackerly and Mark Piechota were among the questioners of Pres. Mandel during the Q and A. 

After dinner Friday evening, there was a brief class meeting.  One of the purposes of our class gift for our 50th Reunion was to aid in faculty recruitment, given the large number of retiring faculty members happening at the time of the reunion.  Ted McPherson has paid attention to the College’s efforts in this regard, and he gave a brief report.  You can read it in the appendix at the end of this report.  While the gifts are discretionary, the College provided Ted some examples of how the funds were used. 

Ron Bodinson spoke about a family collection of presidential campaign memorabilia (buttons, posters, and the like) going back to the 1950’s started by his father that he is interested in donating to the college under the auspices of the Class of ’67.  This is still in the very early stages, and Ron just wanted to give us a heads up.

Allan Stern talked about the Class Zoom Sessions, which everyone felt were a great success.  He thanked the Planning Committee, which consisted of the three co-presidents (himself, John Hufnagel and Jon Vipond) and also Ken Willcox, Harry Tether, and Larry Ricketts.  He expressed the hope that the Class Zoom Sessions would continue on after reunion and asked for classmates to suggest ideas for future sessions. Many ideas surfaced over the balance of the weekend.

We gave gifts of orchids to the Alumni Relations staff who worked so hard to make our reunion a success.  A special gift – of really good wine – was given to Christine Robare.  Answering a call for staffing help, Chris came out of retirement to be once again the go-to person for our class in its reunion year.  She had shepherded us through our Oxford trip in 2016 and our 50th Reunion in 2017 and knew us only too well.

In the official part of the class meeting, we elected class officers for the next five years.  Larry Ricketts proposed that the current slate of class officers continue on in their present configuration.  This motion was approved by acclamation.  The officers are:

            Co-Presidents                          John Hufnagel, Allan Stern, Jonathan Vipond

            Secretary                                 Ken Willcox

            Treasurer                                 Bob Tyre

            Head Class Agent                   Harry Tether

            Planned Giving Officer          Al Gortz

The next day saw the alumni parade, led by the 50th reunion class.  The Class of ’67 gathered at Dodd House and walked up the hill to Park Street, then east on Route 2 (Main Street) and back to the Sawyer Quad, where the annual alumni meetings are now held. 

In front of the President’s house, a young woman who had just graduated stopped several in the class to thank us, as she was a Class of 1967 Scholarship recipient during her four years at Williams.  She was going on to medical school, which she said would not have happened without our help. 

At the alumni meeting, the 25th and 50th reunion classes made their gifts.  President Maud Mandel spoke with pride about the new grant system at Williams which will no longer require any financial aid students to work during their college years and which will replace any loans in their tuition packages.  No post-graduation debt will be incurred.  She also spoke of the College’s plans to begin building a new College Art Museum on the site of the old Williams Inn which has now been removed. 

Pres. Mandel also announced that she was headed off immediately after the meeting to receive an honorary degree at Amherst.    This announcement was met with loud boos.  But the boos changed to cheers and applause when she promised to present the Amherst president with a bill for the fines for the library books stolen in 1819 and to bring back a check for those fines, now — through the miracle of accrued interest — totaling over three million dollars.  

After lunch, most of the class gathered again to hear a discussion of “Was I a Ten-Percenter?”  Rick Ackerly, Ron Bodinson, and Scott Baker led off the discussion by giving their thoughts on the still-burning question of the Ford Foundation Program and its impact on our class.   John Hufnagel was moderator.   A very lively Q and A session ensued, and continued on even after the meeting broke up.

Saturday night’s dinner was held at the beautiful new Williams Inn at the bottom of Spring Street.  The reception was held outside on the terrace, and we were mixed in with other reunion classes.  At dinner inside we were seated with the class of ’62.  Our class received copies of a printout with the names of the sixty-one ’67 classmates who have died since leaving school.  Our classmate Tom Ehrich composed a poem of remembrance which he read to the whole group.


We met in a valley

by Tom Ehrich

We met in a Berkshire valley
now strangers
soon comrades
strapping lads bounding to glory

We stayed a time in the valley
reaching far
aiming high
climbing beyond our early selves

We moved on to farther places
dreams got real
tests harder
we flew, we crashed, we flew higher

Lives took surprising form out there 
choices made in real-world chaos 

Death took sixty-one in mid-flight
our roommates
our teammates
one in five, twenty percent, gone

In time all of our wings will fold
large striving
small tending
will have worked together for good    

God will smile as dust reclaims us
for we tried
gave our best
and now, in God, we Rest In Peace



Name Death Date    Name Death Date
William G. Gilger III 7-Dec-1967   Paul D. Cowden 23-Sep-2012
Gilles David Adams 15-Mar-1968   Lon Hest 26-Oct-2012
Michael J. Filuta 5-Apr-1968   Stephen S. Mark 4-Feb-2013
David W. Brooks 7-Nov-1968   Dana N. Stevens 11-Apr-2014
Robert N. Rutherford II 30-Jun-1974   Anthony B. Gustafson 11-Jun-2014
John C. Prendergast Jr. 14-May-1977   Rex L. Pugmire 26-Jun-2014
Peter Hart 18-Mar-1978   Daniel J. Moorhead 10-Nov-2014
Richard U. Mosher 30-Jun-1992   Richard A. Horner 7-Jan-2015
Stuart A. Elliott 1-Aug-1992   C. Vance Gordon, Jr. 10-Jan-2015
William F. Boyd 22-Sep-1992   Dick Pas 24-Mar-2015
Christopher S. Flanagan 18-Dec-1992   John M. Filachek 29-Mar-2015
James C. Ungerer 31-Aug-1993   Alan Dankner 1-Dec-2015
Robert Trent, Jr. 22-Feb-1995   James S. Kile 6-Dec-2015
Vance B. Horne, Jr. 26-Oct-1995   Alfred W. Sleezer 5-Feb-2016
Damon C. Hart 6-May-1996   Michael C. McCune 5-Mar-2016
Rodney C. Schnur 19-May-1996   J. Bruce Martindale III 6-Nov-2016
Philip B. Taylor 4-Mar-1997   Alan G. Stahl 29-Mar-2017
Charles W. Tucker 25-Jun-1999   O. Lee Haynes, Jr. 22-Oct-2017
Ronald D. Warner 23-Oct-2000   David W. Duesing 28-Dec-2017
Boyd A. Puryear 9-Nov-2000   Robert A. Gray III 4-Jun-2018
Gilliam M. Hendrich 18-Nov-2000   Peter L. Grossman 20-Mar-2019
Howard L. Kestenbaum 11-Sep-2001   Charles V. Parham, Jr. 27-Mar-2019
James M. Cole 20-Nov-2001   Morgan W. Nields 18-Jun-2019
Robert B. Holdridge 28-Aug-2002   Clinton O. Remington III 16-Aug-2019
J. Kirk T. Varnedoe 14-Aug-2003   Jonathan H. Lovell 14-Apr-2020
James W. Straub 5-May-2005   Jeffrey J. Eckardt 13-Nov-2020
Robert P. Hammell 11-Dec-2008   Gary W. Lamphere 16-Jun-2021
Thomas R. Mahler 16-Dec-2008   Leonard H. Spencer 14-Jan-2022
John Gladney 20-Jan-2010   Andrew A. Cadot 17-Jan-2022
Robert P. Ingalls 12-Nov-2010   Bradford K. Davis 17-Mar-2022
Francis G. Holland 7-Apr-2012      




Class of ’67 50th Reunion Class Gift – a Follow up Report
Ted McPherson

Remarks re-written and summarized from information provided by Development Office Donor Relations staff delivered by Ted McPherson ‘67 at Williams College Class of 1967 meeting at 55th Reunion June 2022.

In celebration of our 50th Reunion, the Class of 1967 presented a cumulative class gift to Williams College of $12.7M, of which $4.8M in near-term gifts was divided equally between two purposes: the Class of 1967 Memorial Scholarship and the Class of 1967 Fund for Faculty Recruitment.

My remarks focus on our Fund for Faculty Recruitment that is so impactful helping Williams College successfully navigate a decade of faculty retirement.

  • From 2012 to 2021, 68 faculty members, or 27% of an eventual 10-year anticipated 100 people or 40% of 250 faculty, retired to emeritus status.
  • Since the start of the 2017 academic year, Williams has hired 89 tenure-track faculty, both replacing retiring faculty and augmenting selected disciplines.
  • Specifically, those 89 hires are distributed in the following departments: Computer Science (11); Chemistry (6); History (6); Mathematics (6); Art History (5); Art Studio (4); Biology (4); Economics (4); English (4); all other departments (39).
  • The Class of 1967 Fund for Faculty Recruitment starting with $2.4M of principal, augmented by $255K of income, has thus far invested $555K in Faculty Recruitment, leaving a remaining current balance of $2.1M.

The valuable support that our Fund provides Williams faculty members varies by individual case. Here are several actual examples:

  • Alice Bradley in Geosciences does research at the intersection of engineering and climate science, where she studies how to observe changes in sea ice environments. Her lab was outfitted with computers and scientific instruments, tools, and laboratory supplies, as well as experimental gear for use in the field, such as ice coring equipment, a large-payload quad-copter drone, Global Positioning cameras, and cold weather gear for student researchers.
  • Shikha Singh in Computer Science researches the intersection of computer science and economics by focusing on algorithmic game theory and how incentives and rational behavior influence the outcome of algorithms.
  • Cecilia Aldarondo in the Art Department teaches film and video. She is a documentary director-producer from Puerto Rico who makes films integrating linguistics and politics.

Other investments help make sure that faculty members can thrive in Williamstown upon arrival, ranging from housing to considerations for their families and dependents.

  • One significant investment in recent years has been the college’s Children’s Center, which serves as both a recruitment resource for new faculty deciding to come to Williams, as well as a resource for new faculty to meet other families with young children. The Center has been able to expand capacity to meet faculty demand, especially for infant care.

—- Assistant Professor of Chemistry Katie Hart said that “having access to such high-quality childcare at the Children’s Center was a crucial part of [her] decision to join the faculty at Williams.” In fact, Katie’s husband Jake Chu is trained in early elementary education, and “he was particularly impressed.”

In short, the Class of 1967 Fund for Faculty Recruitment creates compelling value, and Williams College is most grateful to all of us.  

… another quiet well-done to the Class of 1967!